Oh how the mighty have fallen ….

Cheryl Cole – she’s had an almighty rise to fame. Sure she started with nothing as a common chav, and she had to batter a black toilet attendant to get where she is, but she’s had a remarkable rise to fame.

And so we all wake up this morning to news that she has been unceremoniously ditched from the US X Factor. One wonders if Simon Cowell asked Lord Sugar to phone Cheryl personally to break the news Apprentice style for maximum impact. Apparently the Americans will struggle to understand her strong (?) Geordie accent. However given they have an absolute nobody with an equally strong Welsh accent hosting the show it makes me somewhat sceptical that that is the real reason.

Either way, It appears she has now been replaced with Nicole Zingertowerburger of Pussycat Dolls fame. She had a successful stint being a judge on the UK X Factor and so it makes perfect sense for her to be slotted in as a judge as opposed to co-hosting with Steve Jones.

Cheryl lost a lot of fans during the last season of the UK X Factor due to some dubious decisions and generally poor judging, being continually overshadowed by the much more knowledgable and articulate Danni Minogue. Many, me being one, were glad to see her shipped off to the US to be judge on the X Factor over there. But what now…

With the UK X Factor panel having only one confirmed judge and news that Danni Minogue will not return means that there is a very good chance that Cheryl will return to the UK X Factor. But how very embarrassing for her – being made to come back home, having been ditched from a very high profile US show. Not only has she missed the boat on what will probably be the biggest show on US TV this year but also any attempt to break the US musically will be damaged as she’ll be seen as having been brushed aside by the mighty hand of Simon Cowell.

Do I feel sorry for her? No. I felt she had got a bit ahead of her own press in recent years so this will hopefully bring her crashing back to reality. Given the poor decision to release Danni Minogue from the X Factor panel, I imagine ITV will be foaming at the mouth to get Cheryl on the phone – if I’m honest I’d welcome her back if it meant some of the other people rumoured to be judges didn’t get a spot on the panel. Tulisa N-Dubz anyone?

why'aye man.. i've lost me job!